Pack news

Pics~I have replaced Spikes picture because it no longer worked.I hope that's okay.Also,Echo,since you didn't give me a picture I gave one to you.Do you like it?

Season~Right now it is The time of falling leaves.(Fall)

Mate status~Jessy likes Echo.Hopefully they will become mates.

Food~Food is well.The hunters are hunting more animals for us to take.

New Dogs~Please welcome Celsius,Fahrenheit,Splinter and Storm to our pack!


We come here for prey.We usually wait for hunters to come and shoot an animal.When they do we take it before they come.Food is never a problem because hunters come all the time.We also get food from a farmer who gives us his scrap food.


  1. Jessy walked to the edge of the water. He took a quick drink then steped into the water, letting it cover his paws. It felt very refreshing. Suddenly, he rushed into the water, splashing everywhere. He swam and swam having a good time. when he got tired, he swam back to land and shook the water from his fur, head to tail. He walked back to the dens.


  2. Sunshine approached the lake feeling very lonely. After a quick drink, she stepped into the water. Not finding this entertaining, she took a step farther into the lake, so that the water soaked her belly fur. Enjoying the feeling of the water she dived in and began to swim about near the shore. When she grew tired, she splashed out of the water and shook out her pelt. She felt refreshed, but still lonely. She began the walk back to the protectors' den.
