Pack news

Pics~I have replaced Spikes picture because it no longer worked.I hope that's okay.Also,Echo,since you didn't give me a picture I gave one to you.Do you like it?

Season~Right now it is The time of falling leaves.(Fall)

Mate status~Jessy likes Echo.Hopefully they will become mates.

Food~Food is well.The hunters are hunting more animals for us to take.

New Dogs~Please welcome Celsius,Fahrenheit,Splinter and Storm to our pack!

Protector/Trainer Den

Protectors are like normal warrios,Trainer are dogs with apprentices.


  1. Daisy raced into the den. Finally! I'm not the only girl dog here! Daisy smiled at Spark politley. Daisy got some moss, more than usual, gave some to Spark, and made herself a bed. Daisy curled around in a ball and fell asleep.

  2. Sunshine rose from her nest, yawning. Feeling a need to stretch her legs, she slipped out of the den. 'A walk would be much more fun with a friend!' she thought. She squeezed back into the den, and padded over to Daisy and Spark, who were fast asleep. "Hey, Wake up!" She prodded their sides in turn. "Does a walk sound good to either of you?"

  3. *Nikos slowly walked into the den not used of the surroundiungs but quickjly got used to them and sniffed the den, so many dogs*

  4. "Hey, Nikos." Sunshine turned around to face him. "Would you like to go for a walk with me?"

  5. Spark smiled at Daisy when she was given the moss.She made a nest for herself and curled in.

  6. Nikos didn't seem to hear Sunshine, so she shrugged and padded out of the den to go for a walk alone. Besides, she might come across someone out in the territory.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sunshine took a step into the den, and then changed her mind. She turned around and walked towards the healer den.
